We have been concerned about making sure Jme has access to her family. We don't want to isolate her. We want her to have those connections with her family and friends.
Wifey walked over to Jme's mother's house today to try to get Jme's original birth certificate. Her mother didn't have a copy, but it did give Wifey and Jme's mom an opportunity to talk about Jme. I've kind of marvelled at the fact that Jme's mother hasn't said anything to us about having her daughter live with us. We've seen her several times. We know that she know's Jme is staying with us, but she hasn't acknowledged it. Today, however, she finally asked Wifey how Jme is doing. Wifey told her that Jme is doing well, and told her about some of the things she has done.
Jme called her dad today. We had encouraged her to try to locate him by phone so that she could at least let him know that she was safe and doing well. And to give him our phone number so that he could contact her if he wanted or needed. She became so excited and animated when she first got on the phone with him. We asked if we could talk to him when she was done. They talked for a little while before Jme brought us the phone. We both talked to Him. He sounded very pleasant and articulate. He did say that he was going to be taking steps soon to regaining full custody of his daughter. This suprised us. Even in the short time she has been with us, we have grown so fond of her, and we want to protect her from every possible harm. We know that being with her dad (or her mom) would be the very best thing, and we want to support whatever steps can be taken to bring wholeness to this family. In the meantime, however, we want to make sure Jme is protected. We don't know the whole story surrounding Jme's expreience or that of her father. We don't know exactly who can say what about where she lives. And we wonder about the possibility of her being taken from us. After the phone call, Jme was upset and crying. She is very disappointed in her dad, and even though she is glad to talk to him and misses him, she is also very mad at and hurt by him.
Tonight was really good though. JimJam came and sat with Wifey and I in the living room and just talked. JimJam talked a mile a minute for quite a while. We laughed and told stories and looked at pictures. It was really good.
Tomorrow we are all packing up and heading to the Banks. JimJam has a doctor's appointment to be evaluated by a phychiatrist for possible medication. I don't like the idea of medicating. It seems like a little love, security and stability would do the trick better than some pharmaceuticals, but what do I know.