Monday, May 7, 2007
Enormity; Bigness
Wifey and the boys came up to school for lunch today. They’ve been doing that for a while now, and it’s nice to see them in the middle of the day. Coincidentally, our chief and ICWA worker came over to the school together during lunch to talk about another matter. And so here we all were; me and Wifey and these two whom we had been planning to talk to regarding Jme. Sounds like it was meant to be, right? Wifey asked about the process of having Jme come live with us. They were enthusiastic about the idea. They gave us a rough outline of the process, and it didn’t sound complicated at all. In fact, I think we were both a little taken aback by how easy – and how potentially quickly this idea could be a reality. It hit home when the chief actually said that if things went well we could begin adoption proceedings. That brought Wifey and I both suddenly face to face with the enormity of what were doing. Just a couple hours later, they delivered the application paperwork to Wifey. She and I have already filled out the application, and will return it first thing in the morning. We will have to get criminal background checks done when we go into town in another week. And in the meantime, we continue to pray for Jme as she remains in her current situation, and we pray for wisdom for ourselves as we continue to pursue this huge commitment.