I know you have had a rough start to the year, and the kids have been particularly difficult to manage and relate to. Friday was a particularly bad day, and though I was reluctant, I felt I had to go into your classroom to intervene between you and the kids. I hesitated so strongly to do this because I didn't want to overstep my bounds in your classroom, but I was concerned for both you and the kids. You told me that day - clearly and emphatically - that you were resigning as of that day. You have since softened from this statement, but I am left wondering if we will all make it successfully to the end of the year.
Some of the conditions that contributed to the situation on Friday have existed for a while, and I know you experienced some of these problems at times last year. Since it is so early in the year, I am growing more worried about what the rest of the year has in store. I am concerned for you personally and your mental, emotional, and physical health.
You and I get along well personally. I know how important it is that you and I communicate well and daily, and that we be on the same page regarding what we're doing here in the school. I have always responded to comments of concern that have been brought to me about you with unconditional support. I have never wanted to undermine your standing with students or parents. I don't want you to think that I am starting some backdoor campaign for your ouster, but I feel I have a responsibility to make others aware of this situation rather than pretend there's no problem.
I think we should discuss this with Mr. Bossman this week, but I wanted to discuss it with you first so that you are aware and know that I am not reaching out to him behind your back. I would like your permission to talk to him about this. What do you think?